Nicoletta Ascione
The funeral will take place Wednesday April 10, at 3,30 pm in the Church of Sacro Cuore in Pordenone, where Nicoletta will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home of Vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
After the funeral burial will take place in the Roraigrande cemetery.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday April 9, at 7 pm in the same Church.
Giovanni Gerotto
The funeral will take place Wednesday April 10 at 3 pm in the Church of San Pietro Apostolo in Cordenons where Giovanni will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.
After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Cordenons.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday April 9 at 7,15 pm in the same Church.
Carlo Liccardo
The funeral will take place Wednesday April 10, at 3,30 pm in the Church of San Giovanni Bosco in Pordenone, where Carlo will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral we will take Carlo to the Crematorium.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday April 9, at 7,15 pm in the same Church.
Silvana Matera
A final farewell to dear Silvana will take place on Tuesday, April 9, at 5 p.m. in the Farewell Room at Prosdocimo Funeral Home on vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
Maria Teresa Mazzassa
The funeral will take place Tuesday April 9, at 3,00 am in the Church of Sarone, where Maria Teresa will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday April 8, at 8,00 pm in the same Church.
Lisetto Guido
The funeral will take place Wednesday April 10, at 3,30 am in the Church of S. Zenone in Azzanello, where Guido will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral entombment will take place in the cemetery of Azzanello.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday April 9, at 8,00 pm in the same Church.
Anna Maria Cinquemani
The funeral will take place Tuesday April 9, at 3,00 pm in the Church of Immacolata Concezione, where Anna Maria will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday April 8, at 7,15 pm in the same Church.
Giovanna De Piero
The funeral will take place Saturday April 6, at 10,30 am in the Church of S. Pietro Apostolo, where Giovanna will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral entombment will take place in the cemetery of Cordenons.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday April 5, at 7,15 pm in the same Church.
Caterina Borin "Rina"
The funeral will take place Thursday Saturday 6, at 3,30 pm in the Church of Palse, where Rina will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral entombment will take place in the cemetery of Palse.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday April 5, at 7,00 pm in the same Church.
Maria Silva Toffolon
The funeral will take place Saturday April 6, at 10,30 am in the Church of S. Giorgio, where Maria Silva will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
Rather than flowers the family will appreciate donations to the Via di Natale".
Irma Della Pietra
The funeral will take place Thursday April 4, at 3,30 am in the Church of Cristo Re, where Irma will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral entombment will take place in the cemetery of Roraigrande.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday April 3, at 6,30 pm in the same Church.
Maria Borin
The funeral will take place Thursday April 4, at 10,30 am in the Church of S. Ilario & Taziano, where Maria will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral entombment will take place in the cemetery of Torre
The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday April 3, at 7,00 pm in the same Church.
Special thanks to Marina for her loving care of Mary.
Venicio Raffin
Venicio's final farewell will take place on Thursday, April 4, at 4 p.m. at the Prosdocimo Funeral Home on vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
Burial will follow in Cordenons Cemetery.
Ulrico Russo
The funeral will take place Wednesday April 3, at 3,30 pm in the Church of Cristo Re in Pordenone, where Ulrico will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 of Pordenone.
After the funeral entombment will take place in the cemetery of Villanova.
Rosario De Marchi
The funeral will take place Friday April 5, at 3:30 pm in the Church of S. Ilario &Taziano, where Tarcisio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home of Vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
After the funeral entombment will take place in the cemetery of Roraigrande.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday April 4, at 7,00 pm in the same Church.
Vasco Mazzotti
The funeral will take place Wednesday April 3, at 10:30 am in the Church of S. Giorgio, where Vasco will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home of Vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
Cremation will follow.
Not flowers but good works.
Tarcisio Zannier
The funeral will take place Wednesday April 3, at 3:00 pm in the Church of S. Lorenzo, where Tarcisio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home of Vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
After the funeral entombment will take place in the cemetery of Roraigrande.
Rather than flowers the family will appreciate donations to the school of S. Lucia in Roraigrande.
A special thanks to Maria, to the attending physician Dr. Loris Infanti and all the staff of the Residenza Zaffiro in Torre for the assistance provided.
Angelo Carlino
funeral will take place Tuesday April 2, at 10:30 am in the Church of S.S. Pietro and Paolo in Latignano of Cascina in the province of Pisa, where Angelo will arrive from the Prosdocimo
Funeral Home of Vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
Giuseppina Bortoluzzi
The funeral will take place Tuesday April 2 at 3,30 pm in the Dome of Aviano where Giuseppina will arrive from Pordenone Hospital.
After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Cordignano.
The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday April 1 at 8 pm in the same Church.
Rather than flowers the family will appreciate donations to the "Via di Natale" Hospice in Aviano.
Gianfranco Scilipoti
funeral will take place Saturday March 30, at 10 am in the Church of S. Donato, where Gianfranco will arrive from the Prosdocimo
Funeral Home of Vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.
After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Monticello of S. Donato Milanese.