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Giancarla Botter Detto Martinazzi
Giancarla Botter Detto Martinazzi

Giancarla Botter Detto Martinazzi

The funeral will take place Saturday November 4th at 10 am in the S.s. Ilario e Taziano Church, where Giancarla will arrive form the Prosdocimo fUneral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral, burail will take place in the Torre cemetery.

November 30th, 2021
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Domenico Antonel
Domenico Antonel

Domenico Antonel

The last goodbye will take place Thursday December 2 at 4 pm in the Sala del Commiato in the Prosdocimo Funeral Home, vialTurco, 2.

Cremation will follow.

Rather than flowers, family will apriciated donations of any kinds.

November 30, 2021
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dott.ssa Bianca Maria Orazi
dott.ssa Bianca Maria Orazi

dott.ssa Bianca Maria Orazi

The funeral will take place Friday December 3rd at 3 pm in the Sacro Cuore Church, where Bianca Maria will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday December 2nd at 7 pm in the Immacolata Concezione Church.

November 30th, 2021
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Anita Tinor Centi
Anita Tinor Centi

Anita Tinor Centi

The funeral will take place Thursday Dcember 2nd at 10 am in tha S. Marco Church, where Anita will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in POrdenone.


After the funeral, burial will take place in the Urbano cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday December 1st at 6 pm in the same Church.

November 30th, 2021
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Walter Rovere
Walter Rovere

Walter Rovere

The funeral will take place Tuesday November 30th at 3,30 pm in the Beato Odorico Church, where Walter will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday November 29th at 7 pm in the same Church.



November 27th, 201
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Anna Maria Bernardotto
Anna Maria Bernardotto

Anna Maria Bernardotto

The funeral will take place Monday November 29th at 3 pm in the Beata Vergine delle Grazie Church, where Anna Maria will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral, burial will take place in the Urbano cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Sunday November 28th at 7 pm in the same Church.

November 27th, 2021
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Luigi Tonus
Luigi Tonus

Luigi Tonus

The funeral will take place Saturday November 27 at 3 pm in the Church of Budoia where Luigi will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday November 26 at 7,15 pm in the S. Pietro Apostolo Church in Cordenons.


November 26, 2021
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Rosa Facca
Rosa Facca

Rosa Facca

The funeral will take place Saturday November 27th at 3 pm in the Ss Ilario e Taziano, where Rosa will arrive form the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday November 26th at 7 pm in the same Church.

November 26th, 2021
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Corrado Pivetta
Corrado Pivetta

Corrado Pivetta

The funeral will take place Saturday November 27th at 3 pm in the S. Paolo Apostolo in Pasiano, where Corrado will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday November 26th at 8 pm in the same Church.



November 25th, 2021
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Maria Panontin
Maria Panontin

Maria Panontin

The funeral will take place Friday November 26th at 3 pm in the Vallenoncello Church, where Maria will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday November 25th at 7 pm in the same Church.


The family would like to thank the Casa Serena staff in Pordenone.

November 24th, 2021
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Direct streaming of the ceremony
venerdì 26 novembre
Visiting hours
Visiting hours
Funeral Home
Thursday 25 November
08:30 - 12:30
14:30 - 18:30
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Visiting hours
Funeral Home
Thursday 25 November
08:30 - 12:30
14:30 - 18:30
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Direct streaming of the ceremony
venerdì 26 novembre
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Rina Ricchetti
Rina Ricchetti

Rina Ricchetti

The funeral will take place Friday November 26th at 3 pm in S. Giorgio Church, where Rina will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday November 25th at 7 pm in the same Church.

November 24th, 2021
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Armida Vivanda
Armida Vivanda

Armida Vivanda

The funeral will take place Friday November 26 at 3,30 pm in the S. Agostino Church in Torre, where Armida will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday November 25 at 7,15 pm in the same Chruch.


November 23, 2021
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Emidio Borin
Emidio Borin

Emidio Borin

The funeral will take place Thursday November 25 at 3 pm in the Church of Roveredo in Piano where Emidio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Roveredo.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday November 24 at 7 pm in the same Church.

Novembre 22, 2021
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Luciano Bertolo
Luciano Bertolo

Luciano Bertolo

The funerla will take place Thursday Novembere 25 at 3 pm in the Dome of Porcia where Luciano will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2 Pordenone.

After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Porcia.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday November 24 at 7 pm in sema Church.

The family would like to thank the doctors, nurses and each person for the care and all the supporto provided in this difficult period.


November 22, 2021
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Antonio Zancan
Antonio Zancan

Antonio Zancan

The funeral will take place Wednesday November 24 at 11 am in the Dome of Porcia where Antonio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Porcia.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 23 at 7 pm in the same Church.

November 22, 2021
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Maria Villa
Maria Villa

Maria Villa

The funeral will take place Wednesday November 24 at 3 pm in the S. Antonio Abate Church at Pasch, where Maria will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Cordenons.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 23 at 7,15 pm in the same Church.


November 22, 2021
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Gaetano Cherchi
Gaetano Cherchi

Gaetano Cherchi

The funerla will take place Wednesday November 24 at 11 am in the S. Pietro Apostolo Church in Cordenons where Gaetano will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 23 at 7,15 pm in the same Chruch.

November 22, 2021
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Amedeo Lodi
Amedeo Lodi

Amedeo Lodi

The funeral will take place Wednesday November 24 at 3,30 pm in the San Giovanni Bosco Church in Pordenone, where Amedeo will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Roraigrande.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 23 at 7,15 pm in the same Church.

November 22, 2021
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The funeral will take place Tuesday November 23rd at 3 pm in the Sacro Cuore Church, where Zebedeo will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral burial will take place in the Avezzano cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday November 22nd at 7 pm in the same Church.

Novembr 20th, 2021
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Claudia Montico
Claudia Montico

Claudia Montico

The funeral will take place Tuesday November 23rd at 3 pm in the S. Maria Maggiore Church, where Claudia will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral, burail will take place in the Cordenons cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday November 22nd at 7,30 pm in the same Church.



November 20th, 2021
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