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Maria Teresa Biason
Maria Teresa Biason

Maria Teresa Biason

The funeral will take place Thursday November 4th at 3,30 pm in the Borgomduna Church, where Maria Teresa will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday Novembre 3rd at 7,30 pm in the same Church.


The family would like to not receive flowers.

November 2nd, 2021
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Lidia Gamba
Lidia Gamba

Lidia Gamba

The funeral will take place Thursday November 4 at 3 pm in the Church S. Pietro Apostolo of Cordenons, where Lidia will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.



November 1, 2021
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Iolanda Stellini
Iolanda Stellini

Iolanda Stellini

The funeral will take place Wednesday November 3nd at 3,30 pm in the S.Lorenzo Church, where Iolanda will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow


The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 2st at 7,30 pm in the same Church.


Rather than flowers the family would appreciate donations to the ""Via di Natale"" hospice.

October, 31th 2021
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Lino Tosoni
Lino Tosoni

Lino Tosoni

The funeral will take place Wednesday November 3nd at 3 pm in the S.Pietro Apostolo Church, where Lino will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Burrial will take place in the Cordenons cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday November 2st at 7,30 pm in the same Church.

October, 30th 2021
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Pietro Mazzucco
Pietro Mazzucco

Pietro Mazzucco

The funeral will take place Tuesday November 2nd at 3 pm in the S. Bartolomeo in Roveredo, where Pietro will arrive from the Prosdocimo Fneral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday November 1st at 7 pm in the same Church.

October, 30th 2021
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Giannantonio Lozzer
Giannantonio Lozzer

Giannantonio Lozzer

The funeral will take place Tuesday November 2nd at 3 pm in the San Giorgio Church, where Giannantonio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday November 1st at 8 pm in the same Church.



October, 30th 2021
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Elisa Mio Bertolo
Elisa Mio Bertolo

Elisa Mio Bertolo

The funeral will take place Tuesday November 2 at 3 pm in the Church in Palse, where Elisa will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral, burial will take place in the Roraigrande cemetery.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday November 1st at 7,00 pm in the same Church.

October 29, 2021
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Mario Bagnariol
Mario Bagnariol

Mario Bagnariol

The funeral will take place Tuesday November 2 at 3,30 pm in S. Giovanni Bosco Church of Pordenone, where Mario will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone. 


Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday November 1 at 5,30 pm in the same Church.

October 29, 2021
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Amalia De Carli ""Irma
Amalia De Carli ""Irma

Amalia De Carli ""Irma

The funeral will take place Tuesday November 2 at 3 pm in the S. Agostino in Torre, where Amalia will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.

After the funeral, burial will take place in the Torre cemetery.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Sunday October 31 at 7,30 pm in the same Church.

October 29, 2021
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Clara Crimi Magaraci
Clara Crimi Magaraci

Clara Crimi Magaraci

The funeral will take place Saturday October 30th at 10,00 am in S. Agnese Church of Roraipiccolo, where Clara will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone. 


Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday October 29th at 7 pm in the same Church.



October 29, 2021
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Philip John Travaglione
Philip John Travaglione

Philip John Travaglione

Fabiana, Dawn and Junior announce that Philp passed away on the 25th of October.

The funeral will take place in New York, U.S.A.


October 28, 2021
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Sergio Bigatton
Sergio Bigatton

Sergio Bigatton

The funeral will take place Saturday October 30th at 3 pm in the San Giorgio Church in Porcia, where Sergio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral, burial will take place in the Porcia cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday October 29th at 7 pm in the same Church.



October 28th, 2021
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Regina De Benedet
Regina De Benedet

Regina De Benedet

The funeral will take place Saturday October 30th at 10,30 am in the San Pietro Apostoo Church, where Noemi will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral, burial will take place in the Torre cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday October 29th at 7,15 pm in the same Church.



October 28th, 2021
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Vito Cavallaro
Vito Cavallaro

Vito Cavallaro

The funeral will take place Saturday October 30th at 3,00 pm in Immacolata Concezioe Church in Pordenone, where Vito will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone. 


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday October 29th at 7 pm in the same Church.


October 28, 2021
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Maria Zanata
Maria Zanata

Maria Zanata

The funeral will take place Saturday October 30th at 10,30 am in the S.s. Ilario e Taziano Church, where Maria will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone. 


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday October 29th at 7 pm in the same Church.



October 28th, 2021
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Renato Del Pos
Renato Del Pos

Renato Del Pos

The funeral will take place Friday October 29th at 3 pm in the Ss. Ilario e Taziano, where Renato will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Tuco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday Octber 28th at 7 pm in the same Church.



October 27th, 2021
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Graziella Mazzoli
Graziella Mazzoli

Graziella Mazzoli

The funeral will take place Thursday October 28 at 3 pm in the Church of Maniago, where Graziella will arrive from Via Vittorio Emanuele 15/e Maniago.

After the fuenral burial will take place in the cemetery of Maniago.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday October 27 at 7,15 pm in the same Church.

October 26, 2021
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Vanda Venier
Vanda Venier

Vanda Venier

The funeral will take place Thursday October 28 at 3,30 pm in the S.Lorenzo Church in Roraigrande where Vanda will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday October 27 at 7,30 pm in the same Church.

October 25, 2021
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Desio Cipolat
Desio Cipolat

Desio Cipolat

The funeral will take place Wednesday October 27 at 3,30 pm in the Church of Aviano where Desio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday October 26 at 7 pm in the same Church.

October 25, 2021
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Ada Pittau
Ada Pittau

Ada Pittau

The funeral will take place Wednesday October 27 at 10,30 am in the Santa Maria Maggiore Church in Cordenons, where Ada will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be reticited Tuesday October 26 at 7,30 pm in the same Church.

October 25, 2021
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