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Giovanni Del Ben
Giovanni Del Ben

Giovanni Del Ben

The funeral will take place Wendesday September 29 at 3,30 pm in Cimitery of Roraigrande, where Giovanni will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

September 27, 2021
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Delfina Rugo
Delfina Rugo

Delfina Rugo

The funeral will take place Wendesday September 29 at 3,30 pm in the Church of Immacolata Concezione where Delfina will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral we will take Delfina to the crematorium.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday September 28 at 7 pm in the same Church.

Rather than flowers the family appreciate donations to the ""Il Giglio"" of Porcia.

September 27, 2021
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Giancarlo Muzzin
Giancarlo Muzzin

Giancarlo Muzzin

The funeral will take place Tuesday September 28 at 3,30 pm in the Church of Sacro Cuore where Giancarlo will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral we will take Giancarlo to the crematorium.

Rather than flowers the family appreciate donations to the Cro.

September 26, 2021
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Antonio Mio
Antonio Mio

Antonio Mio

The funeral will take place Monday September 27 at 3,30 pm in the Church of S. Lorenzo where Antonio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral burrial will take place in the cemetery of Roraigrande.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Sunday September 26 at 8 pm in the same Church.

Rather than flowers the family appreciate donations to good works.

September 25, 2021
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Lidia Bastianello
Lidia Bastianello

Lidia Bastianello

The funeral will take place Tuesday September 28 at 3,30 pm in the Church of Dardago where Lidia will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordednone.

After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Dardago.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Monday September 27 at 7 pm in the same Church.

September 25, 2021
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Siro Frizzi
Siro Frizzi

Siro Frizzi

The funerla will take place Monday September 27 at 4 pm in the Church of Avaino where Siro will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosart will be recited Sunday September 26 at 7,30 pm in the same Church.

September 24, 2021
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Ilario Sartor
Ilario Sartor

Ilario Sartor

The funeral will take place Monday September 27th at 10 am in the Duomo San Marco, where Ilario will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Saturday September 25th at 5,30 pm in the same Church.

September 24th, 2021
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Pierina Pen
Pierina Pen

Pierina Pen

The funeral will take place Saturday September 25th at 3,30 pm in the San Giuseppe Church, where Pierina will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral, burial will take place in the Tiezzo cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Friday September 24th at 8 pm in the same Church.


September 24th, 2021
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The funeral will take place Monday September 27th at 10,30 am in the Cristo Re Church, where Renata will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Sunday September 26th at 7 pm in the same Church.



September 24th, 2021
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Silvio Ferruccio Porracin
Silvio Ferruccio Porracin

Silvio Ferruccio Porracin

The funeral will take place Monday September 27th at 10 am in the Sant'Agnese Church, where Silvio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the funeral, burial will take place in the Roraigrande cemetery.


The Holy Rosary will be recited Sunday September 26th at 6 pm in the same Church.

September 23rd, 2021
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Ioana Radu
Ioana Radu

Ioana Radu

The funerla will take place Friday September 24 at 2,30 pm in the church of Vallenoncello where Ioana will arrive from the Prosdocimo FneralHome in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Vallenoncello.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday September 23 at 7 pm in the same Church.

September 22, 2021
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Danilo Bianchet
Danilo Bianchet

Danilo Bianchet

The funerla will take place Friday September 24 at 3 pm in the Santa Maria Maggiore Church in Cordenons, where Danilo will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday September 23 at 7,30 pm in the same Church.


The Family thanks all the Acli of Cordenons personell for their loving care.

September 22, 2021
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Nives De Nardi in Jesse
Nives De Nardi in Jesse

Nives De Nardi in Jesse

The funeral will take place Friday September 24 at 3 pm in the Church of Sacile where Adua will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funeral burial will take place in the cemetery of Francenigo.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday Septembere 23 at 6 pm in the same Church.

September 22, 2021
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Michele Bottega
Michele Bottega

Michele Bottega

The ceremony will take place Friday September 24th in the Sala del Commiato in the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


After the ceremony, burial will take place in the Cordenons cemetery.

September 22nd, 2021
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Giuseppina Tavella

Giuseppina Tavella

The funeral will take place Thursday September 23rd at 3,30 in the Sant'Agostino Church, where Giuseppina will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in Vial Turco, 2 in Pordenone.


Cremation will follow.


Tha Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday Septemebr 22nd at 7 pm in the same Church.

The family would like to thank doctor Caterina Liut for her special care towards Giuseppina.

September 22nd, 2021
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Olimpio Rossi
Olimpio Rossi

Olimpio Rossi

The funeral will take place Thursday September 23 at 3,30 pm in the Church of Porcia where Olimpio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.


September 21, 2021
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Giovanni Turchet
Giovanni Turchet

Giovanni Turchet

The funeral will take place Thursday September 23 at 5,30 pm in the S.Antonio di Porcia Church where Giovanni will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Wednesday September 22 at 8 pm in the same Church.


September 21, 2021
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Leonora Benatti
Leonora Benatti

Leonora Benatti

The funeral will take place Thursday September 23 at 3 pm in San Lorenzo Church in Roraigrande where Leonora will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

After the funerla burial will take place in the cemetery of Pordenone.

September 21, 2021
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Lydia Maria Canton
Lydia Maria Canton

Lydia Maria Canton

The funeral will take place Wednesday September 22 at 4,30 pm at the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2, Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

September 20, 2021
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Antonio Nardi
Antonio Nardi

Antonio Nardi

The funeral will take place Wednesday September 22 at 3 pm in the Ss. Ilario e Taziano Church in Torre of Pordenone, where Antonio will arrive from the Prosdocimo Funeral Home in vial Turco n. 2 Pordenone.

Cremation will follow.

The Holy Rosary will be recited Tuesday September 21 at 7 pm in the same Church.

September 20, 2021
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